Leveraging AI into Your Organization: 5 Steps to Get Started

Now, more than ever, small- and medium-sized businesses stand at the threshold of an unprecedented opportunity – their agility and nimbleness give them a distinct edge over larger corporations, often slowed by bureaucracy and red tape. But, this window of opportunity won't remain open forever as large businesses gradually overcome hurdles to adopt AI.

  1. Get Hands-On
    As the old adage says, "You can't lead where you won't go." Start by blocking out time to experiment with generative AI tools like ChatGPT or Claude. This hands-on experience is essential to understanding how these tools can impact your business. To get started, you my prompt: What are some questions I can ask to improve my X business? or Give me 5 unusual ideas to improve sales in the X business.  In a March 2024 CNBC interview, Mark Cuban emphasized that CEOs must get hands on tograsp AI's potential, stating, "You can’t just say I’m going to get my tech guys to understand it and educate me on it. YOU have to understand it because it will have a significant impact on everything you do."

  2. Build a Sandbox
    AI is likely already in use within your organization, even if you're not aware of it. It's crucial to get ahead of this and ensure AI users are properly trained. According to the 2024 Microsoft and LinkedIn Work Study, 78% of AI users bring their own tools to work, with many hesitant to admit using AI for important tasks. To manage this, acknowledge existing AI users and form a company-wide AI user group. Determine which tools are in use, update your data security policies, and consider obtaining a business license for AI tools to prevent future headaches.

  3. Remember the “Human in the Loop”
    AI should enhance, not replace, human roles within your organization. While AI excels at processing vast amounts of data, it lacks the strategic oversight, creative input, and ethical judgment that humans provide. Make sure your staff understands the importance of their role when using AI. Think of AI as a powerful team member, not a replacement for your employees.

  4. Manage Change
    We are now dealing with a new kind of intelligence. Just as humans learned to leverage animal intelligence thousands of years ago, businesses must now learn to coexist with AI. As a business leader, it's essential to understand how AI will impact your company's processes and culture. Consider how AI can complement human intelligence rather than compete with it. If AI is taking on lower level tasks theoretically freeing up employees for higher level tasks, managers must think proactively about how to develop talent in an AI-driven environment, ensuring employees are mentored and ready for those higher level strategic tasks.

  5. Find Your Use Cases
    Once you've established guidelines for AI usage and experimentation, it's time to think strategically. Conduct an organizational readiness assessment, focusing on security, compliance, and data management. Start by identifying tasks, not jobs, that AI can help streamline. This approach will allow your team to become more productive, paving the way for upskilling and reorganization as necessary. Engage different departments to identify and pilot AI opportunities. For example, involve marketing to explore customer insights, HR to improve talent acquisition, and operations to streamline processes. Cross-functional collaboration ensures AI is applied where it can deliver the most value.

By following these steps, your organization can begin to harness the power of AI to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and maintain a competitive edge in an increasingly digital world. Learn more about how to leverage AI into your organization at our seminar “Practical AI for C-Suite Leaders.


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